The Michael G. DeGroote Centre for Medicinal Cannabis Research aims to advance the understanding of medicinal cannabis through innovative research, content generation and network creation activities. There are numerous engagement opportunities available for researchers, healthcare professionals, patients, students, industry professionals and members of the general public, related to the Centre’s three areas of focus.
Information Box Group
Content Email Us!
The Centre welcomes news and content suggestions for this website.
Research View Our Research
The Centre accepts associated faculty members and health professionals to lead new or support existing research projects. Research projects span pain, addiction, mental health, economics, policy, chemistry and other areas. Associated faculty have access to professional development opportunities, events and research centre resources.
Events View Our Events
The Centre invites researchers, students, health care or industry professionals, policymakers, patients and general members of the public to attend events hosted by the Centre. These events include the annual conference, webinars, panels and roundtable discussions, among others. The Engagement page features a current listing of events.